PT Yogya Presisi Teknikatama Industri (PT YPTI), as a manufacturing company, we have gone through a long journey. Since the beginning, we have aimed to fulfill high-quality product and service needs. We believe that more than 20 years of achievement results from consistently satisfying customers by manufacturing many high-precision products.

Adanya joint venture ini diharapkan dapat membawa teknologi Jerman ke Indonesia.

PT YPTI And Toolcraft AG Will Develop Technology In The Field Of Metal Additive Manufacturing
The joint venture company will develop technology in the field of Metal Additive Manufacturing, including the Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) process and the Laser Metal Fusion (LMF) process.

Jig and Fixture
We are your precision partner in fixture manufacturing to support the automotive industry. Our work began with design, after receiving the DataCAD product, 2D product, and CF requirement.

Precision Part
We have various machines that specialize in providing for multiple industries. Our precise machines, and measuring instruments allow us to produce your products with high quality, reasonable prices, and on-time delivery.

Plastic Injection
With our experience, team, and facilities, we will help you achieve a high customer satisfaction. High quality, reasonable prices and on time delivery is our guarantee for all of our customers.

Mold Making
We are dedicated to the development of the quality of our products with capability engineering, and manufacturing technology. Based on our quality control policies, we can guarantee your satisfaction with our products.