About Us
PT Yogya Presisi Teknikatama Industri (PT YPTI) is a company that moved into the manufacturing sector. PT YPTI serves the precision part, jig & fixtures, mold making, plastic injection molding, and research, development, and prototyping. PT YPTI has a full range of CNC Machines to fulfill customer satisfaction. We also offer reverse engineering to help our customers develop their designs until final execution. PT YPTI uses coordinate measuring machines and other precision inspection facilities with ISO 9001 certification in 2008. We can run small-batch and high-volume production in our machining/production line.
Menjadi penyedia layanan teknologi & mesin produksi terkemuka di Indonesia
Become the best provider in leading technology services’ & production machinery’s in Indonesia
Melalui pengembangan dan pemberdayaan potensi karyawan, membentuk super tim professional yang berintegritas dan beretika, untuk dapat berkontribusi optimal dalam pertumbuhan perusahaan & kesejahteraan karyawan, melalui jalinan kerjasama bersinergi & hubungan baik saling menguntungkan, sehingga mendukung terciptanya produk bernilai tambah yang memuaskan harapan pelanggan karena mutu & pelayanan terbaik secara berkesinambungan, serta manfaat nyata bagi masyarakat, bangsa & negara.
Building professional super-team with integrity & ethic through employee’s potential development & empowerment, to contribute optimally in company’s growth & employee’s welfare by synergized cooperation & mutual good relationship, in order to support value-added products creation which may satisfy customers because of the sustainable best service & quality, and real benefit to the society, nation & country .